Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dollhouse of the Month & Updates!

My Small Obsession's Dollhouse of the Month

December 2011 ~ Four Days Before Christmas ~ Created by Kathy Centracchio

Please click here to view! 

This month I added some Holiday Spirits Labels, to the free printables section and 2 new video projects, Danish Christmas Dinner Tutorial by SugarCharmShop and How to make miniature Christmas lights, by The Crafty Crow.

I recently began working on a Christmas themed dollhouse and I hope to get some pictures up soon. I haven't forgotten the follower giveaway, I've been so busy I just haven't had time. I will be back later with more about that!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dollhouse of the Month November 2011

My Small Obsession's Dollhouse of the Month

November 2011 ~ The Country House created by Kim Saulter

Please click here to view! 
I also added the assembly instructions to the Front Opening Shop by Real Good Toys & 2 new video projects, how to make polymer clay bacon and egg canes!

I will be updating My Small Obsession all week, and I will be posting about my Follower Give Away just as soon as I figure out what I'm giving away! =)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Moving Day!

Hello Everyone!

It's been such a long time since I last posted and so much has happened, I don't know where to start!

I should start by saying hello & welcome to my new followers.

Hello & Welcome!!
I'll have a give away soon to give you all a proper welcome.

I haven't posted in such a long time because I have been moving my web site, My Small Obsession, to a new home on the web. The move has taken much longer than expected but will be worth it in the end!

Please remember, my website address, http://mysmallobsession.com will remain the same so any links to the home page will still work. All other pages are no longer accessible through their individual addresses, so if you are linked to any of those pages you will need to update the link. It will be a few days before everything is up and working properly so please hang in there!

The actual "move" will be taking place over the next 48 hours so it's most likely that my web site will be temporarily disabled during that time. I have added a lot of new pages, information & features, but I'm not finished so you won't be able to see all of the new features right away. I have more to add and will continue through September. I hope to have everything completed before the end of the month.

Thank you all so much for your hanging in there with me!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dollhouse of the Month March 2011

My Small Obsession's Dollhouse of the Month

March 2011 ~ The Walnut Ridge by Angela of  Minis By Angela.

Please Click Here To View!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Craigslist Find!

It never happens to me.....I am never in the right place at the right time. I'm always a day late and a dollar short. Yesterday was different. I found this Bellingham Farmhouse for $50. It's a fixer upper but I think it will be worth it.

It's missing shingles, part of the roof, columns, a door and some various other odds and ends but nothing impossible to fix or replace. The chimney is missing on top and some of the brickwork needs repair. The interior is in just a little better shape than the exterior. All of the trim is pretty rough looking, some walls are missing, and somebody left some lovely crayon artwork in a few places. I don't have a clue where I'm going to put this house. Right now it's crammed into my workshop (the workshop that still doesn't have walls) on a wobbly old card table.

I would love some ideas for this house; I really don't know what to do with it. I'm tossing around the idea of a boarding house set in the 1930's. I have the book  Thirties & Forties Miniatures in 1:12 Scale and it's full of projects to make furniture and accessories for every room in a house so I could make most everything myself.  I'm not sure if that's the way I want to go and would love some feedback. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any ideas, I would love to hear them!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We Have A Winner.....

There were 25 names put in the basket, thank you all for participating, it's been fun! The Westville, Victoria's Farmhouse, the Fairbanks and the Beacon Hill were the most popular dollhouse's. I forgot to tell you all my favorite dollhouse, it's the Beacon Hill.

Welcome to my latest followers! I will hold another follower giveaway in a few months so if you didn't get to participate this time, you can join in next time!

On to the winner.........drum roll please...........Congratulations De from De-lightful Minis!

Monday, March 7, 2011

"Gimme a whiskey, ginger ale on the side. And don't be stingy, baby." ~ Greta Garbo

I have been making liquor bottles, drinking glasses and other odds and ends for O'Leary's Pub. I've been taking lots of pictures so I can do another bottle tutorial. My first bottle tutorial can be found here.

I made all of the bottles, except the red one that has the Acient Age label, from pens that I purchased at the dollar store. I was able to get several diffferent shapes for both bottles and glasses. I also used clear push pins for the bottle necks, I found some at the dollar store that have a thinner "neck" than other push pins. I made the glasses from cut pieces of pens, mini plastic baby bottles (dollar store) and straws. I cut the labels from ads, they are much clearer than prinites.
A peek at the back of the bar.
That's all for now. I'll be back later to announce the winner of the Follower Giveaway!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Time for a Giveaway!

As a big "thank you" to everyone that follows this blog, and to welcome new followers, I'm having another follower giveaway to show my appreciation for your support!

The winner of this giveaway will receive this "country style" handmade welcome sign, heart shaped stool, wall hangings and quilt.

I will announce the winner on March 7th 2011.

The rules to enter are simple:

1) You must be a follower, as of February 28th, 2011.
2) Leave a comment with the name of your favorite dollhouse kit.

You are all amazing......Good Luck!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dollhouse of the Month February 2011

February 2011 ~ Maison Hollandaise by Béatrice Thiéru of Les Miniatures de Béatrice.

Find more of Béatrice's work at Les Miniatures de Béatrice, Les Poupée Miniatures and in the February issue of AIM.

Please click here for the photos!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Mini Space

I'm getting a new workshop! We are adding a 10'x11' room to our carport using 2 exisiting walls.  My husband has built the floor and we spent last weekend installing tile. The tile was on sale at Lowes so it was only $50 for the whole floor, with leftovers! We still have to build the 2 walls but I have already moved into my new space. I'm hoping to have the walls up before the end of this month.

My husband is not a carpenter, as a matter of fact he has no idea what he's doing but bless his heart he's trying. My floor isn't square so who knows how the walls will go up, lol. At least I have my own space again. Here are some pics of our progress.

A shot of the carport with the subfloor.

To the left of where the door will be.
Behind these doors is storage, I can't paint a different color because this is the outside of my house. We built the room so it could be easily removed if we ever want to sell the house, so I don't want to mess up my paint. The red paint makes the room darker so my temporary fix was adding some foam core boards and cork boards, one on each door.

I put the left over tiles on my old beat up table tops.
That's it for my mini space, next time I hope to be posting about it being finished!

I now have over 200 followers.....Yay! This means it's time for a Follower Give Away to welcome my new followers! I'll post about that soon. In the mean time I have a lot of work to do..... have a Fabulous Day!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dollhouse of the Month January 2011

New addition to my website.....My Small Obsession's Dollhouse of the Month!

January 2011 ~ The Crooked House by Judy.

Please click here for the photos!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Do you Squidoo? I do!

Hello everyone! Just a quick post to update....I am in the process of moving my projects and tutorials from my website, over to Squidoo. There will still be projects on my website, I'm just moving my own, the donated projects will remain where they are. When you click on a project you will automatically be taken to the new Squidoo pages. The reason I'm moving my projects and tutorials is the pictures, they take up a lot of room on my site and since I want to continue to post pictures, I needed the extra "space". Squidoo  has a very easy layout and builder to add projects. I can add more tutorials and I can add them more often, using Squidoo.

What is Squidoo, you ask?  Squidoo is the popular publishing platform and community that makes it easy for you to create "lenses" online. A "lense" is Squidoo's term for "webpage", it's a simple and powerful way to share your interests and connect with new readers and friends. It's all free, and you could even earn a royalty for charity or yourself. Find out more about Squidoo!