Monday, March 7, 2011

"Gimme a whiskey, ginger ale on the side. And don't be stingy, baby." ~ Greta Garbo

I have been making liquor bottles, drinking glasses and other odds and ends for O'Leary's Pub. I've been taking lots of pictures so I can do another bottle tutorial. My first bottle tutorial can be found here.

I made all of the bottles, except the red one that has the Acient Age label, from pens that I purchased at the dollar store. I was able to get several diffferent shapes for both bottles and glasses. I also used clear push pins for the bottle necks, I found some at the dollar store that have a thinner "neck" than other push pins. I made the glasses from cut pieces of pens, mini plastic baby bottles (dollar store) and straws. I cut the labels from ads, they are much clearer than prinites.
A peek at the back of the bar.
That's all for now. I'll be back later to announce the winner of the Follower Giveaway!


  1. The bottles are marvellous. What an ingenious idea, so cleverly done.

  2. Wow! I am impressed, your bottles are fantastic and the bar looks so cool :)

    Victoria ♥

  3. The bar looks great. I love the bottles.

  4. What is great and I can't believe you could make the bottles they truly look real. Keep up the great work and the sharing of your pictures. Have a nice day.


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