Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dollhouse of the Month November 2011

My Small Obsession's Dollhouse of the Month

November 2011 ~ The Country House created by Kim Saulter

Please click here to view! 
I also added the assembly instructions to the Front Opening Shop by Real Good Toys & 2 new video projects, how to make polymer clay bacon and egg canes!

I will be updating My Small Obsession all week, and I will be posting about my Follower Give Away just as soon as I figure out what I'm giving away! =)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'd like to invite you to post your giveaways on our giveaway directory: Giveaway Scout ( Please submit your blog here:  Once you receive our confirmation email you can post your giveaways on our site. Thanks.


Thank you for leaving a comment! ♥ I read each and every one! Mini Regards ~Gaye