Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Mini Space

I'm getting a new workshop! We are adding a 10'x11' room to our carport using 2 exisiting walls.  My husband has built the floor and we spent last weekend installing tile. The tile was on sale at Lowes so it was only $50 for the whole floor, with leftovers! We still have to build the 2 walls but I have already moved into my new space. I'm hoping to have the walls up before the end of this month.

My husband is not a carpenter, as a matter of fact he has no idea what he's doing but bless his heart he's trying. My floor isn't square so who knows how the walls will go up, lol. At least I have my own space again. Here are some pics of our progress.

A shot of the carport with the subfloor.

To the left of where the door will be.
Behind these doors is storage, I can't paint a different color because this is the outside of my house. We built the room so it could be easily removed if we ever want to sell the house, so I don't want to mess up my paint. The red paint makes the room darker so my temporary fix was adding some foam core boards and cork boards, one on each door.

I put the left over tiles on my old beat up table tops.
That's it for my mini space, next time I hope to be posting about it being finished!

I now have over 200 followers.....Yay! This means it's time for a Follower Give Away to welcome my new followers! I'll post about that soon. In the mean time I have a lot of work to do..... have a Fabulous Day!


  1. congratulations on getting your own special space! i would be envious but that's just not nice--so i will keep rearranging my house in hopes that a spot will appear where MY stuff can go!
    it will be fun to see what you've done once the walls are all up!

  2. fabulous!!! congratulations :D Linda x

  3. That is so great!
    Have a lot of fun in your new working room!! :)

    Hugs, Jollie

  4. Your new space is great and how wonderful that your hubby built it for you. Enjoy every moment in your new space.

  5. Oh you are soooo lucky - it looks a marvellous space.

    I think I'm going to have to chuck out a child to get a space of my own!

  6. Gaye....Love your new room to work in. What a fun place to do what you love doing. Have a great day.

  7. LOL, Irene!

    Thank you everyone! I'm really enjoying my little room, I can't wait for the walls to go up!!!

  8. Hi Gaye, Your new space looks great! My daughter left home last summer for university and informed me that her room better be intact when she returns :)

  9. How exciting! I love how organised you are already. Its going to be great. Best wishes, Carol :)

  10. I love your new room! I love how everything is set up so neat and tidy.

    Mindy Max

  11. I make miniatures. I can be part of your followers?


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