Thursday, March 10, 2011

Craigslist Find!

It never happens to me.....I am never in the right place at the right time. I'm always a day late and a dollar short. Yesterday was different. I found this Bellingham Farmhouse for $50. It's a fixer upper but I think it will be worth it.

It's missing shingles, part of the roof, columns, a door and some various other odds and ends but nothing impossible to fix or replace. The chimney is missing on top and some of the brickwork needs repair. The interior is in just a little better shape than the exterior. All of the trim is pretty rough looking, some walls are missing, and somebody left some lovely crayon artwork in a few places. I don't have a clue where I'm going to put this house. Right now it's crammed into my workshop (the workshop that still doesn't have walls) on a wobbly old card table.

I would love some ideas for this house; I really don't know what to do with it. I'm tossing around the idea of a boarding house set in the 1930's. I have the book  Thirties & Forties Miniatures in 1:12 Scale and it's full of projects to make furniture and accessories for every room in a house so I could make most everything myself.  I'm not sure if that's the way I want to go and would love some feedback. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any ideas, I would love to hear them!


  1. What a great find!! A boarding house would be fun. Or a house converted into shops? Looking forward to seeing what you come up with :)

  2. What a great find! It has so much potential!

  3. Wow, what a find, congratulations! I think a boarding house is a great idea, gives you so much opportunity to do different things in the rooms according to the "boarders" who live in them. Love the 30s-40s time period, too. Go for it!

    - Grace

  4. Congratulations on your find Gaye. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it..x

  5. What a fantastic find! Your idea for it sounds wonderful. It would be great to see what you make for it. =)

  6. What a gorgeous house. I agree with the other commenter's that a 30s-40s boarding house would be fantastic. So much potential for room settings and people.
    Cleaning tip: I use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to remove crayon. It works great.

  7. I had so much fun with my boarding house that I highly recommend it. :) A modern day bed and breakfast could be fun, too.

    Thank you for my give away prizes! The package arrived today.

  8. I would create a colonial house with, certainly, a rocking chair on the balcony. What a nice house for a low price
    groetjes Ingrid

  9. Thanks for all your comments, everyone! I'm really leaning towards depression era boarding house. De's post war boarding house gave me the idea.
    @Ingrid, I have the Willow I'm going to do in Colonial, so that era is covered. =)

  10. Hi Gaye! I'm trying to comment for the third time. Hope it goes through. I'm all for the 30s-40s boarding house theme. It would be so refreshingly different! It would also bring back memories of my grandmother's boarding house.

  11. I love craigslist. It's like looking through a flea market while sitting at your desk.

  12. I wish you would be able to part with the door. My Bellingham came without one of them.

  13. What a great find! And your idea is so nice! :) I think it could look good with a touch of rustic too.. we'll wait and see! :D


Thank you for leaving a comment! ♥ I read each and every one! Mini Regards ~Gaye