Saturday, December 5, 2009

"Patchwork Quilt"

Remember the patchwork quilts that were popular in the 70's? I have been trying to figure out a way to make one for my 70's dollhouse master bedroom. I'm participating in a fabric swap with an online mini group and I received the swap box last week. Inside I found the perfect piece of fabric for my quilt! No sewing required......Did I mention I don't sew? I don't sew. I cut out some batting and a piece of fabric for the backing, added some lace (also from the swap box) and glued it all together. I used a needle and thread to stitch a little X pattern at the corner of each square to help give it a "hand sewn" pieced together look.

Now I am off to make matching pillows and curtains!


  1. You don't sew? That quilt looks pretty 'sewn together' to me! Sure you don't sew?... Good job with the glue then!

  2. What a wonderful quilt!

    I would like to sew one. Perhaps I also should stick. I would enjoy this more.


  3. Thank you Lize & Lotti! I use Aleene's No Sew Fabric Glue, I love it. I can sew a button, and stitch a little with needle and thread,(not very straight) but that's about it. My mother-in-law was a seamstress for a Las Vegas showgirl and for the designer Loralie Harris of Loralie Originals. She does all the sewing for my family...I'm really lucky to have her. :)

    Lize, you need to contact me with your email address so I can send you your gift certificate. You can find my email address on my profile.

  4. Hello Gaye, I'm new to blogging too and have just found yours. I enjoyed reading it and have become a "follower". I'm looking forward to future posts.

    BTW - for a non sewer, your little quilt is lovely.

  5. Hello Irene! Thank you and Welcome. I just became a follower of all 3 of your blogs. I'm looking forward to seeing more!

  6. That quilt is so sweet!
    I luv Country!!


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