Saturday, December 5, 2009

Welcome To More New Followers

I have six new followers!

Hello and Welcome to~ Sabiha from Sabs Mini Interiors, Paky of the blog Paquicheli's Blog, Doreen from Doreensminiatures & Doreensprojects, Tiny Delights, All Tiny Delights, & Miniatures of the World, Patricia Cabrera of the blog Woolytales Miniatures, and Anama of the blogs AnamaVesi-Minis & AnamaVesi.

Thank you for following!


  1. Gaye this is the link for Sabiha:-

  2. Thank you Debbie. I'm one of her followers, I don't know what happened.......brain fart perhaps. LOL.

  3. Is a pleasure for me follow your blog... regards!

  4. I thought I was a follower but hadn't pressed the "Done" button! Silly me - it's done now.
    I'm enjoying your blog.

  5. Hello Irene, I almost couldn't find you on my followers list, you're showing up last, without a pic and no links to your blogs. I don't know what happened, I'm not even sure now how I found your blogs....and I'm following them! LOL. Welcome and thank you for following, I'll be welcoming some new followers and I'll give you a proper welcome it that post.
    Mini Regards,
    Gaye =)


Thank you for leaving a comment! ♥ I read each and every one! Mini Regards ~Gaye