Thursday, December 3, 2009

Vintage Chairs

A couple of years ago I bought a vintage dollhouse from a friend, her grandparents had put it together sometime in the 70's but never finished it. I had been looking for a house to decorate in a 70's theme, to represent my childhood home. This dollhouse is perfect and I like that it really is from the 70's. My friend also gave me a box of stuff that went with the house, including 2 chairs with a strawberry pattern, not very attractive but authentic 1970's. There was also a magazine in the box called 1,001 Decorating Ideas, also from the 70's. There is a picture in the magazine of a chair that is very similar to the chairs I'd been given. This last May I found a matching chair at The Elegant Dollhouse's annual sidewalk sale/flea mart, in Sacramento California. A few months ago I was in an antique store and hidden in a back corner, I found quite a few pieces of miniature furniture and there was another matching chair! The legs in front are different on this one but I can live with it. I wasn't happy about the green on the chairs, I wanted them to look more like the one in the magazine, it goes with my color scheme better, which happens to be butt ugly 1970's brown. ;) So I got out my brown Crayola marker and colored in all the green on the back of the chair with the mis-matched legs, so I could hide it if my idea didn't work out.

I think it turned out pretty close to the picture, I'm happy with it. Now I just have to hope that my marker can make it through 3 more chairs.


  1. That came out very close!

    If you used sharpies, I know from experience that they have a tendency to fade. I don't know how to stop it from doing that, all I could think of is scotch guard, but not sure that would work.

    I remember that magazine! lol

  2. I finished one chair and the back looks better than the front. I'm going to have to get creative with the placement of this one. My pen tip isn't fine enough for some for the nooks and crannies. I need a finer tipped pen before I go on to the rest. I thought about using sharpies...I wonder if my Crayola marker will fade, I guess I'll find out eventually.

  3. Well, since you have two and two, if you do a traditional layout in the dollhouse, the viewer could be looking at the back of two and the front of two.

    Just a thought. :)

  4. I made some rugs with Sharpie on felt. They did fade after many years but it wasn't difficult to recolor them. You might be able to use a fine point paint pen. I can't wait to see your finished living room!

  5. I've been playing with the layout and I think it's going to work. I think I'll be able to place two chairs with the backs to the viewer, one front view and one side view.

    De, the paint pens are a great idea! I'm going to see if I can find them at Wal-Mart or Michaels. The thing that is holding me up on the living room is the walls. I want a wood paneling look. I've been searching the net without much luck. I do however have a harvest gold towel that is going to make great shag carpet. =)

  6. Have you looked at what's available for floors for your wood paneling?

    Just a thought. :)

  7. I looked at quite a few floors and just haven't found what I'm looking for yet. I'm going to keep looking though, it's gotta be out there somewhere! =)

  8. The marker is working quite well and even if it does fade you can redo do them. You could also try fabric paints as they are in a small tube like bottle. If Artex was still around, I would suggest that but they are looong gone. Does anyone remeber Artex??


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