Friday, September 26, 2014

Miniatures From Nancy Adair

At the end of January 2014 I was contacted by a very nice lady named Nancy Adair. She was looking for a home for her large collection of Nutshell News magazines, some wood furniture kits and a few other items. Nancy started out in miniatures in 1980 and no longer has the eyesight or the steady hand to continue with her beloved hobby. I live way up in Northern California, and she lives a few hours south of me but a friend that lives near Nancy was willing to pick up the magazines and kits for me. I had to wait a few weeks before my friend traveled my way, but it was worth the wait. I received more than I ever expected.

The photo at the top of this post is the kitchen you see in the video. I didn't change anything in this little room box, it is just perfect the way it is. I did dust it off and glue down a couple of loose items. It fits in with my kitchen so well, it seems as if Nancy custom made it just for me, right down to the picture of the rooster on the wall. Below are photos of some of the sketches that were in one of the boxes.

Nancy's Sketch Of The Gazebo

Nancy's Sketch Of The Magic Room

Nancy's Sketch Of Planned Aerobics/Workout Room

Thank you again, Nancy!!!!!


  1. Nancy's collection found a wonderful home. Thank you for sharing this video
    showing all the wonderful pieces crafted and collected by Nancy, a generous and gifted artist.
    Hugs, Drora

  2. Thank you, Drora! Nancy "paid it forward" like a true miniaturist! I didn't think I would ever get that video posted, I recorded it months ago. Your description of Nancy and her miniatures is perfect! "all the wonderful pieces crafted and collected by Nancy, a generous and gifted artist." I love that!

  3. I have always been a BIG FAN of the old Nutshell News magazines and have a huge collection of them both in storage and at hand where I use them for reference. You will have HOURS of pleasure to look forward to, as you get a chance to go through them. What a HAUL!!!
    Nancy was blessed to be able to pass on her collection to someone who would appreciate and care for it. Congratulations on Everything and Have Fun!!!


  4. Thank you, Elizabeth! I'm a big fan of Nutshell News too. I am blessed to be the one to receive her collection and I most definitely appreciate it and will care for it! I would want the same if someone other than a family member ended up with my miniatures. Now I just need the time to have fun! =)



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