Sunday, August 31, 2014

I'm Still Here....And This Is A Really Big Post!

Hello everyone, I'm so very sorry for being gone so long. I have had an overly eventful year including moving to a new house, my husband having a second knee surgery during moving into said house, one daughter got married and the other is having her first baby, and the baby is our first grandchild. That's only a very small portion of what's been going on around here. Last August I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which finally explained a lot of mysterious pains and other maladies I had been suffering from, for the last 6+ years. So, since I apparently have no control over my life, I promise nothing! =)

We moved right before Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.......all celebrated at my house with my friends and family. I also have 2 children with birthdays on the 17th and 20th of December. Needless to say it took me a while to put things away and get the house in order.....a long while.
New House

New Studio Before and After

New Son-in-Law
New Baby Girl

Before I could post this post, my oldest son graduated from high school, in the top ten of his class. That's how much has been going on in my life....when I started writing this post, my son had just started his senior year, now he has already started college.  

New Graduate
At the end of July he moved into an apartment with his high school sweetheart. They wanted to get settled before school started, August 18th. The picture is from Senior Prom, which was in May.
New Empty Room
Right before my son moved out I found out that we had to move again. I can not begin to express how unhappy I am that I have to pack up and move again after only 10 months. Long story.
New Move
On the 16th of July I lost my grandpa, Les Cassingham. He would have been 95 in December. He had Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Disease and living in a rest home for the last 4 or 5 years, his quality of life was poor. He was a World War Two Veteran and a Barber by trade for more than 60 years. He will be missed.
R.I.P Grandpa
My birthday was July 26th, and I got three Monster High dolls from my husband and finished decorating for my daughter's baby shower. The two girls dolls are Zombie Shake Venus McFlyTrap & Rochelle Goyle, and the boy doll is Freaky Fusion Neighton Rot.....don't ask. Lol.
New Monster High Dolls

July 27th was my daughter's baby shower. She received lots of fabulous gifts and a good time was had by all. We just cant wait for her to get here.
New Momma To Be

Since I posted pictures of all of my other kids I thought I'd post one of my youngest, just so he doesn't feel left out. He is the only kid left living at home, he's 16 and just started his Junior year in high school.
New Only Kid Left At Home

We began moving on Sunday August 10th and it took 5 days to move everything from one house to the other. My dollhouses, Monster High dolls (somewhere around 100 dolls) and all my miniatures & miniature "stuff" was a very large part of the move.  It's going to take me a while to get it all together. I don't have a "studio" at this house, I have an extra bedroom to try to fit it all in.

Other New House ~ temporary.....moving again in a year.

Seriously....I have to move again in a year!

I did not update my website in August because of the move, I plan to update it for September, most likely over the next couple of days because our granddaughter is due September 9th and I don't want to miss updating again.

New Granddaughter's Sonogram ~ 8/29/14

My next post will be sooner and about miniatures!


  1. Wow! Just reading about your year left me exhausted. I've missed you and I'm so glad you are back to blogging. Being a grandma is fun - I'm gaining 2 granddaughters with middle daughter's November wedding. We are already Gramma and Papa. :-)

  2. I have a sister-in-law with the same illness that you are suffering with and so I know that your good days will give you the opportunity to get as much done as you can before the bad days return. It is a bit of a Catch 22 there because with this disease you really have to pace yourself as far as activities go. Not very easy when your year has been as chock-a-block full of Stress-filled activities as you have experienced.
    A very tricky situation, but do try to
    take as good care of yourself as you are able.


  3. Hi De! I've missed you too! It's been an exhausting year! I have tried to keep up with your blog as much as possible while I've been MIA from blogland. I try to keep up with reading them all as much as possible. Congratulations on being Gramma & Papa! I had a little trouble adjusting at first.....she's 30 and never really wanted kids....she has dogs, she's always called us her dog's grandparents so now that we are going to be real grandparents, it's a little weird. Lol. Any day now!

  4. Thank you Elizabeth....Fibromyalgia is tricky, period. It's been rough and I have had a lot more symptoms over the last year, no doubt all the stress. I'm trying to find a doctor that specializes in Fibro because my current doc is just treating me with meds and some of the side effects from the meds can be the same as symptoms from the disease, so it's a tad frustrating. But knowing what's wrong has helped, and now that "they" know it's not in our heads, that it is a real disease, has made me hopeful. Thanks again and I wish your sister-in-law well. =)


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