Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I couldn't resist!

I really tried! Like many others, I purchased a dollhouse from HBS during the 50% off sale. I bought the Willow, a Colonial style dollhouse, even though I am currently working on three dollhouse at the same time and have two kits still in boxes. I need to have my head examined! I don't even have a place to put anymore dollhouses, but I'm not letting that stop me, I'll just get rid of our furniture if I need to, we can sit on the floor. =) Right?

I would like to tell everyone about a new website, AmanSpeak Miniatures. The owner/artist Amanda, creates scrumptious 1:12 scale dollhouse food. Please pop over and have a look!

I've been working on the 333 Franklin lately, I'm making it a Diner with living quarters above. I'm going for an aged look so I have been researching aging techniques. This morning I found some great articles by Pat and Noel Thomas in several old Nutshell News magazines. One of the articles was about how to make the Chrysnbon bathroom kit look like porcelain and how to age it. I'm very excited to have found that!

I see that I have several new followers, Hello, Welcome and Thank you for following! I'll be back to give you a proper welcome in a separate post!


  1. Hello!

    Me to I purchased the willow!
    Isn ´t it exciting? I will have
    to wait for it though, because it
    will be sent to my brother in the
    US and then from him to me in
    Sweden! I look forward to seeing
    what you will make of it! It is
    such an exciting house I think!

    Eva J

  2. I'm banned from having any more Dolls Houses. Got no where to put one at the moment. Maybe when I get the Caravan sorted.. LOL

  3. Congratulations on your new acquisition :) It doesn't seem fiar does it, Donald Trump is famous and admired because he has a large property portfolio but we just get into trouble for it! ;)

  4. What a nice little property. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do with it. I'm working on three at the moment as well with a fourth waiting in the wings (and yes, I got rid of a piece of furniture!). I think we're all have the same addiction.

  5. Hello Gaye,

    I have an award fro you on my blog...

    Mini hugs, Lisa x x x

  6. I don't mind sitting on the floor!

  7. Oh thats a lovely little house
    Will be looking forward to the makings Gaye

  8. Eva, how exciting and frustrating at the same time! I'm have a fit having to wait until Monday for the dollhouse to arrive. I can't imagine having to wait for it to come from another country. I'm looking forward to seeing your's too!

    LOL, Debbie....I wasn't "allowed" to buy the Beacon Hill because it's the one I want the most and I have to finish one of the others before I can have it.

    LOL, Norma...it's not fair!

    Irene, you sound like me with too many irons in the fire! I've already taken over a bedroom for a work room and three houses have crept into the living room.

    Thank you Lisa, I'll be by later to pick it up!

    LOL, Lize...I don't mind either, less to take care of!

    Thanks Deni, I am looking forward to starting (and finishing) this one. I've already started filling my cart at HBS with Colonial furniture!

  9. Shhhhh..... I have 2 under the bed!!!
    "The Laurel" I think it is! see I have forgotten already my daughter brought it over is her suitcase 4 years ago and I stilt haven't got to it! Oh and the "Primrose" and "The Sugarplum Cottage " as well mmmmmmm

    The Beacon Hill is quite large if I remember


Thank you for leaving a comment! ♥ I read each and every one! Mini Regards ~Gaye