Thursday, February 25, 2010

Awards Season!

I recently recieved two awards, The Sunshine Award from Debbie over at Tiny Treasures and the Kreativ Blogger Award from Deni at Deni's Dollhouse Mania. Thank you very much ladies! I am supposed to give the Sunshine award to 6 others and the Kreativ Blogger award to 7. It's so difficult to choose who to give these awards to, especially when they are making the rounds and as soon as I decide on someone, I find they have already recieved the award. So, if you have already been given one of these awards, don't worry about posting it again, and again, and again!

Ok, my 6 choices for The Sunshine Award are:
Deni from Deni's Dollhouse Mania
Marlies from Marlies en minies
Cathy from The Fabulous Farmhouse
Lize from Lizelund
Mimmi from Mimmi's Dollhouse
Eva from Premios y otras cosas de Mini Escenas

Now on to the Kreativ Blogger Award:
The rules for the award are:
1.Thank the person that gave it to you.
2.Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
3.Link to the person who nominate you.
4.Name 7 things about yourself that nobody knows.
5.Nominate 7 kreativ bloggers.
6.Post link to the 7 blogs that you nominate.
7.Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know that you nominate them.

And the nominees are.....
Jonna from BuggaBoos
Kassandra from Kaleidoskopic Romance
Irene from Hambleton Hall
Michelle from Poppenhuizen en miniaturen
Angela from Garden of Imagination
Oese from Raum für Raum
Carol from Wee Cute Treasures

Seven things about me;
1~I spend too much time reading blogs.
2~I love Groove Metal.
3~The film Baby Blue Marine was filmed in my home town and I met Jan Michael Vincent, Glynnis O'Connor, Glenn Ford and Katherine Helmond.
4~I am a descendant of William of Cassingham, appointed as Sergeant of the Peace by Henry III
5~I am NOT a morning person!
6~I still don't know what I want to be when I "grow up".
7~I'm a aficionado of celluloid, a guru of film, a gourmand of cinema.....I love a good movie.


  1. Thank you so much Gaye for thinking of me!

  2. Do not worry. thank you so much Gaye. I feel very honoured. Of course I will post it in my award blog. ;)

  3. Thank you so much for the kreative award, It makes me very proud!

  4. Thank you very much for my award Gaye. I'm thrilled! Hambleton Hall has taken a bit of a back seat recently but that is due to change soon!

  5. Hi Gaye,

    I am so excited and honoured by the Kreative Award. Thank you so much for including me. I will have to get my thinking cap on now. Many thanks again, Big hug, Carol xox

  6. Thank you so much for the award! How nice of you to think of me :-)

  7. I'm proud and happy, that my blog and my scenes are watched and read around the world. Thank you very much for your agreement to my work, I apprechiate it very much!
    Oese, Germany


Thank you for leaving a comment! ♥ I read each and every one! Mini Regards ~Gaye