Friday, January 29, 2010

Welcome New Followers

I do apologize for taking so long to give my new followers a proper welcome......I've had a crazy month!

Hello and welcome to Leila of the blog mimos da leila, Teresa who's blog is called This and That Miniatures and Life, Rachel from SenaMena, Maria, she has two blogs, doormariasogen and diary of a miniaturist, Carey from Chicory Nits (love that name!) Bianca of Begotten Dolls by Bianca, Eli en Karina....I didn't find a blog, Kaleidoskopic Romance has a blog, Kassandra's Miniature Blog and is a member of Etsy's Dark Side Street Team, Troy Bettridge who doesn't appear to have a blog, Puppenstubennostalgie, author of a German blog, PuNo's Minis 1:12, JFolk from the blog J Lil Roomer, Susan of Susan's Mini Houses, Grace from TreeFeathers, and last but not least, Charlino from The Fashion Plate.

Thank you all for following!

1 comment:

  1. Vielen Dank für das herzliche Willkommen und ich werde gerne immer wieder vorbeischauen.

    Liebe Bastelgrüße aus Germany
    PuNo / Monika


Thank you for leaving a comment! ♥ I read each and every one! Mini Regards ~Gaye