Monday, January 25, 2010

Miniatures from stack-able crayons

Hello everyone out there in blogland! This is my first post of the year, my family has been keeping me busy, way too busy! I have a huge mess staring at me, emails to read, websites to add....the list goes on and on. I also have new followers to give a proper welcome!

I was at my local dollar store and found these stack-able crayons, imagine the possibilities!

Real miniature crayons

Simple oil lamp

Miniature Vase


  1. Dear Gaye, how cool are these? At "THE DOLLAR STORE?" Or Family Dollar? Or Dollar General? I want, need, got to have me summmmmm haha You have alot of reading to do, so many blog updates, and I'm sure your emails must be hundreds! I will hope for an answer on the exact location! Thanks xoxox Christel

  2. Gaye, I bought these too! But you are ahead of me.. I did not realize that there are even mini crayons included, so thank you!!

  3. Hi Gaye, what a cool find! Great ideas for using them so far, too. The crayon bits look like they'd be good candles, too.

    - Grace

  4. I was so happy to find these...and yes Christel, "THE DOLLAR STORE" Haha! Good idea Grace! Mini candles would work too! I was thinking the other little plastic piece could be bottles of craft paint for a mini studio.....just add a tiny label and a bead for the lid. Lize, I want to know what you come up with! Actually, I want to know what anybody comes up with! LOL

  5. Great find! Another place to put on my list of places to go today. Thanks, Gaye!

  6. H Gaye, they'd also make wonderful little potion bottles...xx

  7. It's a great mini idea,and have many uses... fantastic, happy new year... regards

  8. That is a wonderful idea!!
    they make lovely little bottles and lamps as well! no end to the ideas!

  9. Great ideas! So much fun to find possibilities at the dollar stores.
    Mini Hugs, Jean

  10. You are incredible clever!! Love it!!


Thank you for leaving a comment! ♥ I read each and every one! Mini Regards ~Gaye