Monday, November 23, 2009

Making Miniature Salad

I got a tip from an online friend and fellow blogger, De from De-Lightful Minis, about how to make a miniature salad using artificial plastic snow as the lettuce. I saw a picture of a salad De made and it was so realistic looking, I had to know how she did it. She couldn't remember where she got the tip but she was kind enough to share it, she even sent me a little bag of the artificial snow so I could make my own salads! I mixed a little of the plastic snow with some Kelly Green Gallery Glass paint and a tiny drop of Hunter Green Acrylic paint. I added some some salad cane slices from Angie Scarr's Miniatures and put it all in a bowl made from the bottom of an egg carton and tissue paper.


  1. Thanks, Gaye, for the link to my blog. Your salad looks wonderful and I love the egg carton bowl!

    I don't know what might have made the sidebar move like that. I guess I would just try moving it back in layout and see what happens.

  2. Thank you De! I plan on doing a tut for the bowl in the near future. It's quick and easy to make.

    I fixed my sidebar, I hope it doesn't decide to move again, I can't take anymore technical difficulties!

    Thanks again!


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