Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy Anniversary My Small Obsession

Hello Everyone! November marks the 3 year anniversary of my website, My Small Obsession! I really wanted to start blogging months ago.........procrastination has gotten the better of me! Life also keeps getting in the way and I have had some technical difficulties lately too. Last week, in preparation of launching this blog, I was finishing some updating to my website and,....POOF! My entire home page was suddenly blank! It took me almost a week to put it all back together! I'm still not finished updating the directory. I've decided that if I don't just jump in and get this blog started, it's never going to happen. It's time to up my game and really give this blogging thing a try. Please hang in there with me!

I will be posting about the current projects that I'm working on, miniature news and updates to my website. I have expanded the Book Store and I have re-opened the Miniatures Barter Board again to accept members. I've had difficulty with spammers in the past and there just doesn't seem to be a way to keep them from trying to join. So, I have created a questionaire that will have to be filled out in addition to registering, before any application will be accepted. I apologize for the extra step but it will make it easier for me to weed out the riff raff. Also, members can now post pictures on the board, all you need is a Photobucket account!

For the month of November I have added a special video tutorial section, featuring The Garden of Imagination creating a miniature Thanksgiving dinner from polymer clay. I have been working on creating more free printables, free projects and trash to treasure tips, I'll be adding them soon. Last but not least, I'm holding a drawing this month in honor of my website's anniversary. The winner will receive a $10 gift certificate to The Fabulous Farmhouse! I will post more information about the drawing later so don't forget to "Follow Me" so you don't miss it!

Check the menu to the right under "What's New" to see more updates.


  1. Gaye there is also your link on Facebook..

  2. Happy Anniversary Gaye! It's so great to see you in blog land! I will be sure and add your site to my favorites.

  3. Thank you Debbie and Cathy! I think I have my comment difficulties fixed now....let's hope. I had trouble with my FB too, when I tried to suggest it to friends, I thought I chose "all" but actually I chose nobody. When I wasn't getting any fans after hours, I was wondering what the heck was going on and found my mistake. Sometimes technology doesn't make things easier!

    Thanks again!

  4. Happy anniversary!!
    Thanks for being my follower but I would like to say that I have two blogs, one for awards (that you already follow it) and another one that is my main blog with miniatures. I do not know why people see my profile only can check the awards blog.
    Anyway, here you have the lik of the "miniatures" blog if you want to have a look:
    Hugs from Barcelona (Spain)

  5. Thank you Eva! I was wondering why you had so many awards on your blog. LOL! I will go check out your other blog. Thanks again and thanks for following me too!



Thank you for leaving a comment! ♥ I read each and every one! Mini Regards ~Gaye