Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Updates, Technical Stuff & A Give Away!

Hello everyone! Just a quick post to let you all know that I am still here!  I have been working in the background making preparations for few "design" changes to my website, and I've also been busy with some upcoming tutorials and preparing to have a big give away.
I just finished adding the latest swap photos & two new video tutorials.

Technical Stuff: The "design" change to my website involves moving the website menu from the left side of the website to the top. I don't want to bore you all with the details, this change was necessary. Things might be a little messy for a few days but I should have the majority of the changes made by the end of the week.  I also just recently realized that Google translator is only translating my home page, it doesn't work site wide, so I will be moving the translator to the top of my website so my visitors will have the ability to translate all pages.

The Give Away: I'm not going to say too much about the Give Away, yet....just be sure to watch this space! 

I'll be back tomorrow to post the Dollhouse of the Month for March!

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