Monday, October 4, 2010

He won!

These pictures are from the Homecoming Parade, right after the winners were announced. He was grinning from ear to ear the whole time, so was the young lady that won with him. She's a very good friend of my son's so it was especially cool that they both won.

Our football team unfortunately did not fare as well.... we lost 17 to 7. =(

I spent the rest of my weekend at my younger son's football game and working on O'Leary's Pub. I'll have pictures later this week.

Make sure you stop by my other blog, Creating Dollhouse Miniatures, to see the dollhouse's built and finished by Gina from More Minis. Gina was kind enough to allow me to share her dollhouse's throughout October to celebrate National Dollhouse Month.


  1. Congratulations to your son Gaye. I bet your as proud as punch. Lovely pictures. xxx

  2. Thank you, Debbie! I am as proud as! He gives me a lot to be proud of, he's a great kid!

  3. Ahhhhh, these are the moments to treasure, making all those night feeds and sleepless nights worthwhile.
    Feel proud mum!

  4. Congratulations Hayden. What a great week you and your mom must have had.


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