Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And The Winner Is.......

There were 31 names put in the basket, thank you all for participating! This has been fun, I have gained more followers and found more blogs about minis!

 I don't think I will wait three months to have another contest, I'm thinking I will have a Halloween contest of some sort. I love Halloween!

So, without further adieu......the winner is.......... Christel Hutson!  Congratulations Christel! Email me your mailing address and I will get your prize in the mail tomorrow!


  1. Contratulations to Christel! and thank you very much for this giveaway!! hugs

  2. Congratulations to the winner and thank you for the beautiful giveaway !

  3. Congratulations to the happy winner:))))

  4. OH I am SO SO EXCITED!!! Happy me! I can't wait. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!xoxox Christel

  5. Many Congratulations to Christel..x

  6. Always fun to win a free gift...congratulations Christel and enjoy.

  7. Gaye, I received today, this lovely little treasure! Thank you so much for choosing my name! Your blog is a beautiful place to visit. P.S. I too am having a giveaway, please come and enter! FaeWee Blessings, Christel


Thank you for leaving a comment! ♥ I read each and every one! Mini Regards ~Gaye