Monday, July 26, 2010

Technical Difficulties!

Hello everyone out there in blog land! I made the mistake of playing around with the new template designs and messed up my whole blog. Has anyone else had any problems with the new templates? I haven't been able to find a template that works with the backgrounds from and If anybody has any tips please leave a comment.


  1. Are you talking about finding colors that go with the template from places like Cutest Blog? I fooled around with it the other night. I put in a new template from Aqua Poppy Designs, but I fooled around with some from Cutest Blog and a couple of other places. After I put up the template from Aqua Poppy Designs I looked for colors that would go with it. The frame around the header, color of the font, background color, etc. You find that by going into the new template designer and clicking on advanced. It suggests colors to use. Then when you get everything the way you like it just click on apply to blog. Does that help? I'm no computer guru, so if it's something else hopefully someone will know what to do. Good luck!

  2. I ended up finding a background and template that I liked on blogspot but it took awhile to come up with the right combination. I had turned my blog into a three column quite awhile ago and at first didn't see the 3 column template option. I had some very strange looking results, lol. Good luck!

  3. I was using a 'cutest blog on the block' background and it hadnt loaded for a while so I just chose another one from them and its working fine now. I fear if I changed my whole template, I'd need help like you too :o( Have you emailed the peeps from 'cutest' and 'shabby' blogs for advice? they usually are very helpful. sorry for not being much help. Good luck. x

  4. Well, I have a temporary fix at the moment. The problem is that I can't find a new blogger template that works with the shabbyblogs or cutestblogs backgrounds. The new templates are to large or something and also, the logo from cutest and shabby shows up right on top of one of my sidebar widgets and I don't know how to move it. I might send them an email, I have to try to fix it myself first though.....I'm stubborn like that. I'm not real thrilled with the new blogger backgrounds but I read that they did change how our pictures are inserted now. Apparently they will appear where you insert them instead of always at the top of a post. I like that but I haven't tried it yet. Back to the drawing board!


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