Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Miniature Flea Mart/Sidewalk Sale~ My Mini Haul

Every year in May, The Elegant Dollhouse shop in Sacramento hosts a miniature flea market/parking lot sale. I have gone for the last four years and it's something I really look forward to because it's the only time I get to shop for miniatures someplace else other than online. I love furniture kits and Nutshell News magazines and I always come home with as many as I can get my hands on. My favorites are the Real Life Miniatures furniture kits and the House of Miniatures kits. I usually find some great buys on Chrysnbon kits too. This year I had a great haul, I even came home with two dollhouses! One vendor had two Lily Dollhouse Kits for $65 each and I talked myself out of buying one even though it's on my wish list. My husband and I left to get some lunch and while we ate I decided I would go back and buy one of the Lily's. When we came back from lunch less than an hour later, they were both gone....Damn, that's what I get for procrastinating! I did get a really good deal on a Magnolia Dollhouse Kit, it's a fixer upper but to good a buy to pass up.

The Magnolia

The green has got to go!

Various kits and accessories.
Nutshell News and American Miniaturist magazines.

I already can't wait for next year!


  1. Enhorabuena, por esas fantasticas compras.En otra ocasion conseguiras la casita......
    besitos ascension

  2. Flea-market shopping - and for minis!! - now that's a match made in heaven! You're going to have fun restyling the Magnolia I'm sure :) Good shopping - pity about missing out on the others tho.

  3. It was a great day, wasn't it, except for the WIND!!!

    Did you see the one large blue dollhouse as you walk in from the side street? A gust of wind came and blew it over and it broke into pieces. I felt so bad for the guy who was wanting to sell it . . . .

  4. What a great idea. I am sure we all have things that we have not used filling up drawers.
    Plus you get to meet other collectors.
    Shame you lost out on the kits.

  5. There is never enough flea mart shopping for minis as far as I'm concerned! LOL. I have spent the last 2 days trying to figure out what I want to do with the Magnolia...so many decisions.

    Marsha, I thought I saw you there but I was helping a guy with his canopy that was blowing away and when I turned back around, you were gone. I have the same dollhouse that hit the ground, I saw it when it flew off the table and smashed to pieces, it was awful. A man ended up buying it for $25, he said he was going to fix it. It was so windy! I got $5 in free minis for helping the guy with his canopy.

  6. Great haul, Gaye, I'm drooling over your stack of magazines!

    - Grace

  7. As Norma indicated, flea-market shopping for miniatures is an unknown here in Australia, at least where we are around Sydney.

    Perhaps I am just not looking in the right places? Sounds like you had a productive day of shopping.

  8. Oh you lucky thing - you got some great items. Wish we had something like this in Ireland - like you it is all on-line buying here. Have fun with the renovations. Hugs, Carol xoxox

  9. You did find some great buys! There is a mini flea market two hours from me Saturday and I may go--will have to see how our hay season is going. Yesterday, my dog, Scout and I were on the big John Deere square baling while my son was on the four wheeler behind me tipping them on end for the hay wagon to pick up and DH was on the older JD driving the hay wagon. So it will go until around the end of October!


  10. Hello Gaye
    I found your beautiful blog and website. You have so many great tips!! I would LOVE to go to a mini flea market. Sounds like heaven if you ask me. Thank you so much for picking up my button:) Minihugs from Norway:)

  11. Fantastic miniatures and they are all so familiar, probably because I'm so old, lol. Still have all my old Nutshell News and love looking at them over and over. Realife kits are wonderful, especially the store, so many details. You will have a great time with everything!! Jean♥

  12. I wish I lived closer ...What a Great Sale !! so many great finds.


Thank you for leaving a comment! ♥ I read each and every one! Mini Regards ~Gaye