Sunday, April 18, 2010

Miniature Gifts

Gifts are so much fun, to give and recieve! My mother in law made this afgan for the bedroom of the 333 Franklin Street dollhouse. She made it from wool embroidery thread to give it a "well used" look. It's perfect, I just love it!

This scrumptious cherry pie board was a gift from my friend Brenda. I think I'm going to use it in my vintage 70's dollhouse.

My friend De from De-Lightful Minis, made this beautiful Christmas tree and surprised me with it. It's going into one of my three Christmas roomboxes.

I'm off to work on updating my website, I'll be back later to welcome my new followers!


  1. OH Gaye I luv the crochet bed spread! they are super aren't they?
    Clever mother!

  2. Lovely Gifts Gayle. I can't Knit or Crochet and admire those that can. That's a lovely Afgan your Mother In Law made. xxx

  3. Deni, I LUV the afgan too...Hobby Builders Supply has one like it and it's $35!

    Debbie, I don't knit, crochet or sew, so I'm very happy to have a mother in law that does and is so clever.....she only needs to see a picture and she can make anything!

  4. Wonderful gifts, congratulations and enjoy...hugs

  5. To actually buy an afgan here for a miniaute bed is around $55.00
    So I will never have one! but I can admire others!!


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