Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Planning A Garden

I am currently in the planning stage of creating a miniature garden. I have collected quite a lot for my garden, most of it made by others from swaps.

My mother-in-law gave me an aquarium and I am going to attempt to make my garden inside it. Check out the aquarium garden De created, from De-Lightful Minis. She also has a cute little garden scene inside a watering can. De's wall fountain tutorial is the current featured tutorial on my blog, I can't wait to try it.

I want to make a pond or a stream to go under the bridge, I have never tried anything like this before. Any personal experience, suggestions and/or tips would be greatly appreciated. I'm thinking of making a waterfall too.....I hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew!

Wish me luck!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome New Followers!

A warm welcome and a big thank you to my new followers!

I now have 117 followers on this blog, and I thank each and every one of you.

I hope you all continue to enjoy my blog and please feel free to leave comments!

I will have a give away soon to show my appreciation!

Hello and Welcome ~
Montse~ Mis Cosas
Roelie~ La petite Sofie
miniaturemaid~ No blog
NĂºria~ Las minis de Nuri
oma makroma~ No blog
Nina, The Dangerous Mezzo~ Tudor / Medieval / Jacobean / Queen Anne dollhouse project
Lorraine~ DflyCreations
Margaret~ My Petit Parterre

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Miniature Gifts

Gifts are so much fun, to give and recieve! My mother in law made this afgan for the bedroom of the 333 Franklin Street dollhouse. She made it from wool embroidery thread to give it a "well used" look. It's perfect, I just love it!

This scrumptious cherry pie board was a gift from my friend Brenda. I think I'm going to use it in my vintage 70's dollhouse.

My friend De from De-Lightful Minis, made this beautiful Christmas tree and surprised me with it. It's going into one of my three Christmas roomboxes.

I'm off to work on updating my website, I'll be back later to welcome my new followers!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Playing Catch Up!

Once again I am playing catch up! Everytime I make plans to do something, something else comes up.....Any one else have that problem? Today I'm trying to get caught up on my blog and website and if I'm lucky, I might sqeeze in some time for some minis.

I have a lot of new things to add to my website, and several blog posts to work on so I have a busy day in front of me.

Later today I have to take a break to go to my son's baseball game and then I plan to get back to work.

So, one of the reasons I've gotten behind is that I gave up my workroom so my 12 year old son could have his own room. This involved moving him out of the room he shared with his older brother and then re-organizing both rooms. I also had to find a place for all of my stuff, this was the hard part. I took over part of our living room, a large part.

This is now my "little" corner of the living room.

In this picture you can see my vintage dollhouse that needs a ton of work, and the 333 Franklin St. dollhouse that I have been trying to work on.

Notice the little part of a black and white body on the table, this is one of my Boston Terriers, Boomer. He has been jumping up on the table since I moved it in this room, the little stinker keeps trying to get into my witch's cottage.

This is my other corner, I bought the portable wardrobe to store all of my plastic containers.

Have a great Saturday everyone!